Yes, so I am learning how to UV Map and all is well so far up until now. I modeled this simple phone booth looking thing and LSCMed it. It came out just fine and I moved it into GIMP. I then outlined the shapes and gave the whole thing a base black color. My problem is there seems to be a white edge on each corner of the model. When I inspect the UV Map up close everything is on the black, nothing is on the white. I can’t figure this one out. I’ve made other things, such as a leg, and I get this same problem of white where there are seams. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Looks like it could be a GUI mistake. Are the lines still there when you render it?
Well, actually, there are no lines in renders. Any way to fix this in the viewport? Thanks.
Does it have to do with the UV Map not being scaled correctly?
Anyone have any ideas? This is driving me crazy.
so… there’s this fun thing called bilinear interpolation. Each pixel on the texture [textel] is intrepreted between so the texture doesn’t look all blocky
well, this also happens on the edge of your uv mapped regions [the ones you painted black], so it blends the color on the pixels on your face [black] with the ones just outside of it [white] and the colors leak through
so you need to expand your texture beyond the region you’ve mapped to. You also need to do this more if the texture will be mip-mapped [it is by default in the game engine/viewport and there’s an option for it when rendering [image buttons]]. mip-mapping downsamples images when they are viewed from far away or at a glancing angle so that the texture doesn’t appear to “shimmer” as the texture lookups jump large distances on your image for small changes [pixel wise] in the final render
Thanks so much z3r0 d - you were a big help! I understand now!