This damn top bar keeps being wishy washy about staying or leaving every time I save, every time I change my default layout, every time I fart the wrong way it vanishes. Usually I’d click the top a bunch until it switches my workspace. But now when I click it, it prompts me to add to workspace.
I know at least it may be related to using full screen. How do I fix this now and stop it from happening again?
Have you tried using one of the default themes instead of this… Green monstrosity? And have you gone through your add-ons and disabled them one by one? This is either a theme or an addon issue, vanilla Blender doesn’t hide this bar
There may be a problem with the UI, or it may be a problem with how to use it.
For saved files, use the UI when saved, not the current UI.
To open with the current UI, you can disable the import UI in the Open option.
Well… because you didn’t gave some more info about this:
Did it worked after installing blender (using the default theme then); did it worked in previous versions (with or without your special theme); did you add some addons recently; did you upgrade something (blender or the system… windows is now “famous” for breaking things); does this still work in previous versions (blender can be installed multiple times)…
This might help any
to help you. Also… there was an emojii… before the explanation why you might test this .