[Theme] Lightwave v.11 Theme for Blender [Updated for 2.70+]

G’ day, guys,I spent hours to tweak on this Lightwave v.11 theme, since I didn’t found anyone here post such one yet. You know there are already themes for 3Ds Max / Maya / Zbrush / Modo…Since Lightwave is also a popular one somehow, many people use it besides Blender, I just made it for those who are interested in using such a theme, you’re free to use it, and hope you like it.Cheers. :wink:

Apr,26, 2014 - Improved Color settings for Text Editor. [Thx floo!]

Mar,24, 2014 - Updated to compile with 2.70; Improved Text Style. [Thx 8avian!]


Lightwave_theme_for_2.70+.zip (5.11 KB)

i like this, thankyuo!! :wink:

Nice Theme!
I like that.


Thanks. Should make my transition a bit easier.

Where do I copy the XML file to again?

You can download it to any place and then use the “Install Theme” option in the “Themes” tab in your User Preferences window (Ctrl+Alt+U).

Btw, really beautiful theme! Thx for sharing :slight_smile:

Wicked theme! Thank you! :smiley:

sweet I am a lightwave user and I’ll install thank you for doing this

problem why is the link labelled lightwave.zip being downloaded as an attachment.php seems odd to me.

why is the attached file labeled as lightwave.zip is downloaded a attachment.php that seems really odd

Hi, just tested, no problem for me. Probably you need to right click then “save as”. Good luck. :slight_smile:

Hey that’s cool Leon, thanx for sharing.

well that is nice thanks :slight_smile:

Thank you for the contribution

AFAIK does not support Region Overlap…?

Ah, you are right. I think it’s time to update it to make it compatible. I’ll do it asap. Thanks for reminding me, man. :slight_smile:

I made that comment because I liked that theme a lot ! )))

Glad you like it! And the problem was fixed with a few other tweaks. Please have a check, and welcome any suggestions. :wink:

nice theme ^^ thanks for sharing :eyebrowlift:

Hi Leon,
Great theme thanks for sharing.
How about removing the shadows in “Text Style” and reduce the font size to 11pt for “Kerning Style”.

Thanks again for the theme!