There should be an xmas blendergame contest or just for fun.

I wont run it but you guys should do that. itd spread christmas cheer.


well … you in good luck :smiley:
did u hear abou the dontest?

the contest started long ago, (for those who need the time) and it entries end on Jan 15(last time i checked) just after christmas break… when busy ppl like students and workers get extra time to do this stuff

go to for more details

Could be a good idea doogs if enough people were interested in just making a quick game with a Christmas theme. Unfortunaly I wouldn’t be able to host it either as I don’t know enough about these things…Phew!..Lucky me!

It crossed my mind when I was making my latest game that it would have been quite suitable for Christmas if it had been a snow scene. Santa delivering presents, but I thought that would tie it to Christmas and I wanted the cargo to explode when it fell off, could hardly have exploding presents.


If someone wanted to run the contest, how about doing a contest to make Christmas e-cards like NAN put out last year or the year before. If I remember right they were like really small games. One of them had something to do with a snowman & another had something where you could shoot an elf out of a cannon or something.

Does anybody else remember these?

I figure they’re small enough to get done quick and have
alot of fun with the ideas. Then exploding presents would
be fine.

We could use the speed game creation contest page for it:)

Anyone whos interested, please reply, I don’t want to do a contest with less than 4 people.

i think exploding presents would be cool. heck that’s what i asked for for christmas :slight_smile: i think everyone is a little busy for a games comtest though :frowning: especially games that are going to dry out in a month. just my two cents

I made a ‘christmas game’ in Blender for a school project! :))
But my homepage was deleted because I haven’t logged in enough times… well… can create a new one! :slight_smile: