This is a horrible website

Everyone else understands how this forum works. Why couldn’t you?

It’s called the joy of learning. Something you call a ‘waste of time’. You seem to think everything that requires effort is a ‘waste of time’. Your attitude in general here has been appalling.


Bye bye. Have fun.

You mean waist? surely!

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Found it!


You are just too frustrated, you most likely need to look in the mirror for your patient side.

I understand you may see it as a nonsense thing if you can´t post directly, I was a bit frustrated as well in the beginning, but I also understand why it was like that.

Patience is a virtue, everything in life will not be served directly to you, and the restrictions is to verify you are a human that has the intention to interact and not spam, troll or spread bad attitudes the first time on the forums.

Hang on for some week or two, and you will find that you can make use of this forum to aid you in your creative process and sharing with the community.

2 hours of your life? That is your choice, you took 30 minutes, for understanding how to post, then sat around for One and a half hour just waiting for nothing?
Post a question, send a mail, await for your recognition in this forum and do other things of your time than waiting.

But perhaps you just had a bad day, lousy coffe, get a better breakfast, do some stress relief, think about why you can´t post fully until you have posted some more stuff and awaits full access, relax…think about what you need to solve, see the solution not inflating a silly thing.

Be happy you are not a lightwave user and using their new forum, you would get an heart attack.
Though that team is aware of the less functional forum, in which you can´t even embedd images, nor quote, nor converse privately, nore embedd videos, nor can you reply directly in the post…so that is frustrating. but what can you do…they will work on it and you are not better of whining All day, but do something better like taking a walk or communicate in other ways.

It’s so much clearer if you post an image…


Wow…I guess the sand takes at least two hours to run through.

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Yes, it’s a horrible hourglass. :joy:

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Oh my god :crazy_face: … this will become a meme…

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There’s no need to dogpile when someone’s already frustrated, it doesn’t help anything. Please be constructive and civil and don’t intentionally stir the pot. Some of the replies here are very disappointing.

@Jonathan_Franklin I’m sorry you’re having difficulties with the site. Feel free to make a post in Blender Artists Website Support with specific questions