This is how you can import medical scans into Blender 3.0 for rendering

In this video, I explain how you can render any type of medical scans or more precisely a stack of images as a volume inside of Blender 3.0. Sorry for the text to speech.

This is the setup that is required for the tutorial
UDIMsToVolume.blend (862.8 KB)


@koko_ze , thank you for posting it. I was following your tutorial, however I can’t seem to get it working. I loaded in the data as way you suggested but the rendering is weirdly black.

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Could you share a screenshot :slight_smile: ?

Thank you for looking into it. I can render it now. but not sure how to set the black part to be transparent and when I exported it. It shows as a solid cube.

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This is how you enable background transparency in Blender:

What do you mean by exporting? Rendering an image or exporting a volumetric model?

Exporting what is basically a shader to a vdb (a file format for volumes) is not yet possible in Blender afaik. But it might be possible with Blender 4.1 (the final version comes out in a week) and recreating this setup from a shader to a geometry nodes setup. When I get to my pc I will try to test it :slight_smile:

Thanks for the quick reply. Sorry I mention setting voxel less than a certain value to be transparent. I’m new to blender and I have some rookie questions hhha