Fabulous. It does look as if a lot of work went into it too.
thank you
Yeah took me about 70 hours overall o.o but definitely worth it in the end I’d say!!
You captured the composition, lighting, and enormous scale of the buildings from the painting very well in 3D.
The ships need something in them. People, objects, or structures. Low poly hints that something is there. The two ships farthest to the left are completely empty.
oh damn I completely forgot to put people in the background ships! Haha thanks for mentioning that and I agree. always something lol
Nice ! How much time did it took you to remove all of this ?
Now this is a look I can get behind! It allways amazes me how far low poly objects can be used.
Great work!
not sure what you mean by remove haha but if you meant how long it took it was about 70 hours total
thank you! Yeah I think if done right low poly can look super nice (even if it’s not technically “low poly” hehe)
ah sorry my brain derped between 2 actions I was doing x_x
Yeah, I meant how many time for rendering it ?
oh haha no problem. I’m not really sure I don’t think it was too long though. maybe like 40 minutes?
oh awesome thank you so much!
Phantastic work! Must be a great exercise in many aspects.
thanks! Yeah I did learn a lot making it
First of all congratulations!
It’s really nice.
I’ve a questiona about the lowpoly: how did you model them?
All with hard surface modelling!
Interesting subject. Congrats on the result.