A new Blender staging branch has recently been unveiled by the core team, the purpose of this is to provide a low-overhead solution for people wanting to get their patches in Blender as long as some basic guidelines are adhered to. https://developer.blender.org/project/view/56/
It’s not technically in Master yet, but any patch that gets in here will be available for wide-scale use when builds of this branch start popping on the buildbot (and will ultimately make it easier to get it into Master itself).
LordLoki has already taken advantage of this, I would also ask for HGI, Agoose77, and others who have pending patches waiting for review to take advantage of this as well.
I think know why they are not interested. It is because the bge is going to be downgraded.I think it needs an upgrade rather than a downgrade don’t you?
Let’s not start this up again, but it’s not a downgrade. It’s removal of the existing BGE, and the implementation of a new series of features / pipeline tools to support scripted interactivity in Blender.
And we might just get those upgrades if this branch does what it promises, which is to reduce the immense backlog of patches and reduce the massive waits that some have had to endure to get any sort of review.
It will not only be good for the BGE, but also for Blender as a whole, patches that I’m thinking would be good for the staging branch would be the fixes from HG1 which would allow use of the world API with GLSL. LordLoki’s patches will also help by initiating a major reorganization of BGE code (ie. all of the logic brick code in one place rather than spaced out over two like now).
A branch to stage and more quickly green-light patches sounds like a good thing, considering there are some patches sitting around that could be committed.