Thoughts? looking for any feedback/critique

It’s hard to tell what is your aim with this. The puppet makes sense, but what is that cube in the background supposed to be?

Cube in the background? Are you referring to the mirror on the left of the image? It’s reflection shows a body laying on the floor.

The aim is to make a creepy doll render basically.

I have to say I didn’t understand what I was looking at before you explained.

The bottom of the mirror is lost in the darkness, so the line in the middle of the reflection looks like it is the bottom of the mirror. I thought I was seeing a small square mirror on top of a desk (that’s lost in the darkness) and the body was a small object on that desk.

This should be easy to improve though, as you could likely clarify the image just by changing the lighting a little.

Now that you explained it makes sense, but the composition is nevertheless too dark.