Thoughts on how to fix this?

For reasons i had to use object instead of UV for coordinates [most of these are procedural]

and now one side is normal [the right part] and the other side is a stretched mess [the left]

Thoughts on how to fix this? i really dont want to make another material set with another rotation number and manually align the WHOLE bad side to the new one.

Change the texture mapping setting from flat to box.



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ya but only one is texture, the small dark ones.

the light ones with the white lines are procedural, but it also shows this issue. what about that?

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Hehe i was also to answer triplanar but don’t wanted to search for a reference…
But instead i quickly tried unwrap → cube projection… (so you maybe need a second UVmap??)… does give similar result as the box unwrap in the image node (because it’s essentially the same…)…

@SterlingRoth @Okidoki

how will box mapping [or cube projection] help with Procedural materials?

Left: standard cube with standard UV… Right unwrap cube projection…

i tried this. did nothing.

link doesnt open

Was going to upload a better image… but here:
box.blend (105.8 KB)

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The blendSwap… no … the BA yes… (also the first Box Mapping.blend)…

ok i read it fully. if im understanding it correctly, it separates each axis of the UV map into axis to create a mask and then basically lays the texture on each of the mask, instead of the UV map in full ?

Will this work with Smart UV unwrap or just box projection?

Triplaner will make a very nice mapping also on something like stones for example…
Simpel box/cubic unwrapping will work on such things like buildings… of course with some caveats… like unnatural brick sizes at the corners… but it’s a start…
Your model seems to have an extra geometry at the corner… so you can maybe just treat this areas a bit more special…

Like so (especial moved the UVs at the edge to makethe bricks at the edge look right… see blue annotatib ):

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There is also the UVProject modifier:

…for if you don’t want to UV unwrap and just control the UV Projection dynamically.

Good luck.

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I know this sounds obvious, and it won’t be accurate without having the actual blend file, but can we see how did you do the UV map?

The only difference between Object and UV is when do you intend the UV map to move. When you select Object, the UV will follow the transformation of the object in Object mode, but it won’t when you change the shape of the object in Edit mode. When you select UV, it will follow both the transformation of the object both in Object and Edit mode.

And I guess the problem in your case happens because you’re using Object in the Texture Coordinate.

hey the trilinear worked!!!

just one question then. just as i need to do the image texture 3 times with the mapping node for the diffuse, do i need to add the normal map 3 times too?

Your initial question and images doesn’t show normals… that leads to a new problem… because: …see here if you are really interestest :

…if not the answers is : Doesn’t work so easy with normals… UV’s could be easier…

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what about just copying the whole thing again and using the normal map instead of the diffuse and plugging it in the normal in P BSDF?

the only difference would be in the texture file itself

Unless you need a blended transition between the mapping - usually not the case for a brick texture, and only have a room with straight (vertical) walls going only in cardinal directions (like op image), then it is possible to just hard blend the coordinates and use those for a single brick texture instead of triplanar mapping. Something like this:

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