Thrawn (May the 4th)

It’s that time of the year!
I’m trying to be consistent at least in this, and make a little Star Wars tribute model each year (this is third time, I think?). Every time, I hope to get started earlier and do something grand. Unfortunately, every time May sneaks up on me completely out of nowhere!
So this is as “grand” as I could manage on short notice :joy:

After all these years I’m still very fond of Grand Admiral Thrawn. He was the “enemy”, yes, but neither some evil sociopath, nor a misunderstood marionette. It’s not that Thrawn was an especially charming person, and he definitely had to be stopped, but under different circumstances he could have done so much good.
Well, I hope to paint Admiral Pellaeon some time in the future. Now this is an imp who had my complete and unwavering support in his endeavor :face_holding_back_tears: Too bad it’s non-canon anymore, so I’m not sure what to think of his re-introduction to the universe…

May the Force be with you!


I love this! Your style is one of my favorites, I always wish I was playing a game where you’d made all the assets when you post :grin:


Thank you!
I wish, I’d stop procrastinating and get around to making those assets already :sweat_smile:

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Great work!

The quads are strong with this one…


Awesome, I love this style! :ok_hand:


Nice one!

Great work

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Oh yes thrawn… the books do have a much greater story than the latest movies… but that’s a completly other story :sweat_smile:


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Thanks :slight_smile:
Heh, I’m trying to be reasonable about the new works: the old Expanded Universe, Legends, had both very good and very bad stories. I think it’s okay for such a huge universe with multiple writers. I’m finally over my initial prejudice and I’m better off for it - now I live in world that has both the old X-Wing books AND things like Fallen Order game =D It’s a win!

You’re on the #featured row! :+1:


Thank you :smiling_face:

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I love the stylized look. Welldone

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Looks great!

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