Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me

I drew this with pencil and then did touch up with black & white digital painting. It’s part of a three-in-one picture project I am working on. This is only one of the three pictures. It will be at a blogspot where I talk about the art process and explain my inspiration for the piece. Feedback from other artists helps me. This part is done but I am working on the other parts.

Artistic feedback would be greatly appreciated.



Your pencil work is quite fantastic. Amazing texturing. Was it based on a photo?

It was based on 3-4 different photos, at least. Parts were not. I had this high school guy from Romania be my reference. I think he was great for that. Romania is near the Northern Mesopotamia area where Father Abraham originated - i.e. the ancient Israelites, i.e. Jesus Christ. With his olive skin and large middle eastern/ Jewish nose, I think he shares the same physical characteristics as the intended subject.

…(wrote stuff, clicked on the link, took it all back)

That’s cool tyrant monkey. It’s hard and heavy and spares no one. But for those that wish, I always offer up what inspires me and the inner-workings of my mind, as this results in the art you see by my hand. Even so, we can always meet on common ground. I studied your drawings and like what I saw. Gave you some feedback. Hope it helps and keep up the good work.

Awesome drawing skills!

That is a good drawing - it is professional and inspiring.

Why can’t I draw like this? :frowning:
Awesome, beautiful work. :slight_smile:

Ah Psalm 23. Good verses.

Also a good drawing too. :slight_smile:


well, you already know it, you are good at drawing and painting portraits, your technical skills are on the spot. so no comments on that really. instead, now that you know how to do it, perhaps examine more what is in you. eventhough these drawings are very well made, they seem to lack personal touch.

i’d be interested to see more you.
