Still a beginner in Blender but would love any feedback on my tiger so far. Haven’t got eyes quite right yet.
SSS on the teeth for starters.
In addition, the inner mouth region looks a bit ‘2D’ as if it was a model for a game with a limited polygon budget. The tongue should be fully modeled.
Finally, cross-check with reference images if you haven’t done that. As realism increases, you could run into the infamous uncanny valley effect.
Didn’t think about the tongue being fully modeled. That will be much better. Haven’t learned much about SSS yet so that will be another interesting challenge. Not sure what “infamous uncanny valley effect” is but will follow this up. Thanks for your help.
По мне так шикарный тигр! Очень красивый! Только глаза не совсем живые и слегка жутковатые! С языком я бы не особо заморачивалась. Посту уже год, интересно, удалось что-то сделать с тигрушкой? P.S. сама ооооочень долго свои опусы делаю
did you render it with eevee or cycles?
Just noticed this email. Sorry for not answering sooner. I rendered it with cycles and a denoiser.