Time Gear: Pokemon 20th anniversary

Hey everyone :slight_smile:

Seven years ago I was hardly struck by a nostalgia. I started replaying Pokemon games on my old Game Boy. And then at first time a thought came to my mind: “Oh it’d be cool to make 3D models of pokemons!”
3D - because I was too lazy to learn drawing properly :o

So that’s how I came into 3D world, that’s how I was introduced to that great tool - Blender. All it started back then, and recently I heard that soon will be 20th Pokemon anniversary. And I decided to pay tribute to the franchise that helped me find my path in life: a path of a 3D artist :slight_smile:

The static image lies here.



This is the Time Gear - one of the few that hold the time-space continuum in Pokemon world. While those gears are in places and work, everything is fine :spin:
And I wanted to make the scene using Blend4Web specifically (I could have used Cycles or Blender Internal, etc.), because I wanted people to experience the scene themselves. You can’t show the right mood using gif or video as good as an interactive scene can - at least that’s what I think. So please take a look at the Main scene :slight_smile:

Sadly there’s a bug in Firefox: it doesn’t play sound on some devices.

The signature in the down-left corner is clickable :yes:



Hi ! I find your gif really beautiful do you allow me to use it for one of my videos ? it will be cool and i will credit you anyway :slight_smile:

This is beautiful! This is my favorite art of a time gear out there- absolutely love it!

Hey dude is your art free to use, btw it looks really good.