Timeline Keyframe!!!

I want to ask very simple question, how do I copy and paste keyframes? I only want to know copying and pasting a keyframe nothing else.

Thanks in advance

Read the tool tips for these two buttons on the graph editor header.


Thanks Richards and sorry for not mentioning the version. Seems like the screenshot is from v2.5 and I am still using 2.49. My connection is too slow to download. Sorry.


There are buttons in the IPO editor window header to copy curves (up/down arrows). Not sure if these do exactly the same thing.


I know that button, it is doing nothing, that’s why I asked this question, thought there might be some other way. I already finished my animation without copy/paste, there are some little jerks on some frames which could be possible to remove with copy/paste. Anyways, thanks for your reply. Regards

Just tested 2.49b and you can use these buttons to copy selected keyframes but not as easily as in 2.56
See this demo http://www.screencast.com/users/blenderwho/folders/Jing/media/94cbf135-a8e6-4952-bd31-e304ba726682

Thanks for your help Richard.


In Blender, it is not copy/paste, it is duplicate grab move to new place on timeline.

So select the keyframe you want to copy and press SHIFT-D then move your mouse to the left/right to position (i.e. paste) the keyframe where you would like.

I’m with Atom. The Shift+D duplicate option for keyframes is the way to go. Unless you need to move the keyframes to a different item, in which case the clipboards might be preferable.

It should be noted that selecting and duplicating keyframes doesn’t work from the Timeline editor; only from the Graph Editor and Dopesheet.

Could you kindly tell it a little clearly please, I don’t understand. What to move, where to move. If I see in the frame menu of timeline it says SHIFT-D is the hotkey for duplicating a marker!!! I don’t have any marker in timeline!!! Very confusing.


My apologies. Fweeb is right: I was thinking of the Dope Sheet and Action Editors, not the Timeline. Richard’s advice is the way to go on this.

FWIW, creating a marker is quite simple. Make sure your timeline is active (your mouse cursor is hovering over it) and press M. A marker will be created at the active frame.

Just downloaded the v2.56. And got the copy/paste :).


EDIT: In blender 2.49 a dopesheet is called action editor. In 2.56 it is possible to copy/paste a selected keyframe but in 2.49 it needs to duplicate the keyframe and than move it to the required frame number and drop it. It was simple but I was so frustrated with copy/paste that I could not understood it. Sorry and thanks.