Timeline window Auto matching scale

Is there any way to scale windows to predetermined values?

I was wondering if it would be possible to stack different timelines and perform a lock zoom in the same way as Quad view in 3D window.

For example I would like to animate curves or dopesheet values relative to other information like VSE waveform. e.g…

In this case I would zoom to fill the view with an audio strip, then conform zoom the f-curve view on top. This way I can animate the audio levels or any other selected objects variables, all relative to a preferred display (in this case the VSE).

I know that markers fit this function but they can be misleading if zoomed out.

A locked auto-scroll like the 3D view’s Quad Box function would be nice for timelines. It would just be a relative value to playhead which is already synchronised.

there’s something like that but it won’t work for VSE
in the 4 animation editors, under view > lock time to other windows
maybe it should be enabled by default…?

edit: here a quick script to try to enable them at once…

import bpy
for area in bpy.context.window.screen.areas:
    if area.type in editors: area.spaces.active.show_locked_time = True

Thank you I didn’t know that. I guess the VSE doesn’t function as an animation window, as it is an object workspace. Would be nice to make it the parent or master and drive the scale of the others.

Theres this recent commit by Antony. http://lists.blender.org/pipermail/bf-blender-cvs/2015-February/073158.html

its like an auto scroll for timeline views but I don’t think it auto scales.

Hey David! If this doesn’t do what you would like, I will have time this weekend to dig into the idea I had to lock auto scroll timeline windows. (or tomorrow at work if I have a slow day :wink: ) I wasn’t ignoring you on Twitter I just haven’t done anything worth stating yet :slight_smile:

Haha cool. Thanks for the interest. I have to wait for buildbot to check out the commit tho :frowning:

Ok I finally had to time to download the Gooseberry update and it is an auto scroll feature, which is nice. Although currently you cannot trigger a redraw to update the various timelines without actually playing the scene. A frame bump would be sufficient I think, just to line everything up.

But anyway, it does not scale (other open) timelines to a selected strip/strips in the VSE.

But I gather that I missed the coding boat @sweenist? Sorry I took so long to respond, I really do appreciate the kind offer of assistance.

Do you expect to have any time in the future to have a go at this?

Hey David,

I was trying to reply to this thread about an hour ago on my phone, but to no avail. Essentially, I was going to write to apologize that I did not spend any time on this. I’d like to have a go at it sometime. It may help me to dabble in a bit more VSE and other timeline type editors (I have watched your VSE tutorials on CGCookie) before diving headfirst into it.

If you’re still interested, I’d like to give it a try, may not be real soon but in the next couple weeks :expressionless:

I am absolutely still interested, thank you for looking into it. Any chance that you could heavily comment any addon for dummies like me to follow along with its function? Cheers

For sure! I’ll keep you posted. I’ll need to set up a scene with some different timeline elements for testing… that is where I am a dummy… or inexperienced, to be nicer.

Hey, I saw on Twitter the other day that they synchronized scrubbing in a new build. Did you get to mess with it at all to see if they locked zooming as well? I don’t mean to keep you hanging. I can build and test with one of these recent iterations and see if it is easy to sync zoom on the various timeline editors. I’ve been curious myself…

Sorry about that, a quick test shows that the timeline view function “Lock Time to Other Windows” will chase the scale and movement of various timelines, like Global timeline and action timeline. BUT not the VSE, which was kind of my point. Oh well.

Hey thanks very much for offering your time though. I really appreciate it. I doubt that the VSE can be made to sync with the other windows if Antony didn’t already do it.