Tiny icons in operators


I know how to put icons in operators, but they appear tiny. I use this:

row.scale_y = 2.0
row.scale_x = 2.0
row.operator(“ADDON_OT_boton”, scale_y=2.0, icon_size= (50,50), icon_value=custom_icons[“custom_icon”].icon_id)

But it makes the operator button bigger, but the icon stays tiny.

How do I scale the icon or make it resize to the button size?

Thank you so much.

PS: I suspect that it can’t be scaled. I see it autos-scales to user preferences in Interface.
Anyway, if I am wrong, please correct me.

You should scale the icon using Photoshop or any image editor. That may help

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Thank you for replying.

No, it doesn’t change. I think it is hard coded as I said. If you change it in preferences, it may show the real size of the icon.

I have just used the default appearance and integrated my addon into Blender’s interface, that is what I see people request more.