Tiny Tank Game "A learning experience"

I have never done anything programming related, but finding out about the game logic brick system in the BGE I really wanted to give this a go! So here I go haha.

The thread title kinda tells what this is about, I want to make a nice little tank game using these logic bricks trying to improve on it as I go… this thread will be my little blog!

I have already been tooling around with it and so far I got a functioning tank! It can ride around, rotate its turret, shoot the cannon and also shoot its little machine gun on the front :slight_smile: It also has a turbo button! Of course this needs tweaking and what not, but so far I like what I got.


Still got a looooong way ahead of me, but I’m confident I will manage!

Till next post

Congratulations :smiley: ! Most folk give up before they get any tangible results, I’m glad you didn’t :slight_smile:

Keep blendering! And best of luck to you!

This is great work!

The fact is, you have started off with something simple. It is nice, functional and works properly.

Keep that nice steady pace and you’ll go far :slight_smile:

Thanks guy!

I’ve been trying to get a nice camera going but can’t seem to get it like I want to… Right now when I rotate my tank the camera rotates with it, I wan’t it to stay still and only follow it. I tried a constraint but that didn’t work, it only made things worse! Anybody knows a way to do it properly with the brick system?


Also did a quick thing for the tank model!

Maybe it’s better to just learn straight python?

The ‘track to’ should be what you are after.

I just did a little check.

Select both objects, but make sure camera is not the active object (It should be orange).
CTRL + T -> Track to constraint

I think that should work for you :slight_smile:

Yeah give python a try. It’s simple using it with BGE. You can do a lot with logic bricks alone, but as soon as you start to do something complex, it becomes a real mess.

There should be lots of tutorials I imagine. Also, if you look in the text editor, there are some templates. You can start off with gamelogic_simple, which is pretty much the most bare bones python for BGE. Take it from there :slight_smile: