Titan Station - Geometry nodes procedural modeling

Here are the latest renders, I have the look I was looking for the general atmosphere. The architecture design could be better. Next time, right now it’s pretty basic and blocky to make it work.
I’m thinking of a supporting structure on the outside and the living parts on the inside. While keeping the idea of piles dug into the icy ground, the weak gravity is not an obstacle to building at height.

I could add some kitbashing, characters, textures to propose a more accomplished illustration. But this is time consuming and goes beyond the initial intention of pushing the procedural modelling as much as possible. I’ll move on to the other image now.

About this project:

I really like The Expanse series, both the books and the TV series. I think it’s the first time a science fiction series has really looked at our solar system, not just as a setting but as real places. It explores what it will be like when colonised by humans, and all that implies in a long history of political, technological and social evolution. We believe it and that’s what’s great about it.

Anyway, at one point Holden says he’s considering retiring to Titan.
I then wondered what the habitat on Titan might be like. Well, it sounds like a strange place to spend your old age.

Titan is a bigger moon than ours with a very thick atmosphere, so the view can’t be much further than a few dozen metres. Not sure if the weak sunlight reaches the surface(?). It’s a ball of methane and hydrocarbon ice around -100 C at the surface. And finally there is no magnetosphere to protect it from cosmic radiation. In short, it is far from being a hospitable place.

This could be fan-art for The Expanse. I really had it in mind when I was doing it. So I added my Belter ship the Shikata Na Nai, you’ll see it next time.