Title Animation

Ok, i’ve been trying to create an animated title for a DVD project i’m working on. What I want to happen is the title will fade in and then light will be cast from the back of the title and create shadows from the letters. When I do this though I cant seem to control the distance the shadows are cast and the light from the lamp i am using takes up nearly the whole screen.

I’ve tweaked the lamp settings, distance, energy and everything to stop this from happening but nothing seems to work nicely. Does anyone know how to fix this or know a program that can generate the kind of title that i want to create? If you’ve ever seen any of the Mankee Destroy Star Wars Galaxies movies then you have an idea of what kind of title i’m going for. Any help would be appreciated. Take care.

When I do this though I cant seem to control the distance the shadows are cast and the light from the lamp i am using takes up nearly the whole screen.

As for the distance of the shadows, have you tried changing the angle of the light in relation to your shadow surface, or the distance of the surface from the text? Or am I misunderstanding your problem?

Also, If the light from the lamp takes up the whole scene, did you try a spotlight? I’m still confused as to what your problem is.

By fade in, you mean fade from black? If you do, you can animate the lamp’s energy level. You could just make it a low light, then do the same thing with a spotlight pointed at the back of the text. To decrease the length of the shadow, raise the light and point it down more. If you use a spot lamp, there is a SpotSi property that changes the size of the beam of light cast. I would turn Buf. Shadow on rather than Ray Shadow because you can soften the edges of the shadow with Buffered Shadows. I don’t know how familiar you are with Blender, so if you need me to elaborate, just ask.

Rocketman, you’re on point with my problem. I’ll try the things that you and mindblender suggested. Mindblender, i’m pretty familiar with the interface, though not great at modelling sometimes, hehe. I’m learning though. Thanks for the tips guys!!