Tomato Jones II has been released on Steam!

Yes, first one is a wasteland texture and the second is desert but the second one seem a bit flat and dull to me also. You may be right about the colors, I’ll try some variations.

You inspire me even more thank you so much.
You are one of the best developers i have ever seen use the blender game engine.

Wow man iam so happy to hear that you are working on Tomato jones 2.

I must say as a sequel to the first one it looks impressive Excellent work haidme.


Hey guys,
This is the 13th level in TJII. Watch me how many times I die here and imagine the overall game difficulty.
And I am creating the freaking game…dammit.

Hey guys, here is the 21 level of the game. It is ala “The castle” thingy level. There will be 5 “castle” levels and the last 5 will be “Lava” levels.
All-in-all 9 more to go :wink:

Wow! It’s looking nice and challenging! Looking forward to playing when it’s ready :smiley:

Hey guys,
Finally “Tomato Jones 2” is up and running on Steam Greenlight :). Check it out and vote up if you like the game. :stuck_out_tongue:

And here is the new teaser:


salute to all the hard work!

Thank you Blue! :slight_smile:

Hey great job on your fourth game on greenlight! You’re really fast at creating those small games, it’s really interesting to watch you go :wink:
Could you maybe elaborate on how you do the publishing aspect of your games, because i think that’s something many people might be interested in. What do you do marketingwise to get your games known?

Now, that is the darkest and hardest part of the game creation. I’m not good at marketing actually. I still think those 3 games on steam store are mostly because of luck :). I’m not sure if TJ2 will pass greenlight.
What I do is FB page and post videos and images in various forums and groups…hoping some “best games” group owner on steam, notice the game and put it in his game list. That is a real boost for a game. Also putting the game in “greenlight bundle” on indiegala or groupees really helps, but it depend if there are free spots in their bundles.
Just simple things…
What I notice lately is that many people does not want you to succeed. Steam greenlight is full of “indie game devs” down voting every game that is not theirs.

Voted for you on steam, wish you really good luck with TJ2.

Thank you! :slight_smile:
We will see what will happen, greenlight might be gone any day now and be replaced by steam direct.

Hey guys, I put a demo of “Tomato Jones 2” on

Enjoy! :slight_smile:

TA-DAA :slight_smile:

However, I have some problems on reddit…accusing me for wrongly using Steam functionality according the Demo page of TJ1, which may inflict damage on me and my games.They have a point actually, but that was not my intentions. It seems a group of indie devs are trying to shut me down. Well, I guess that’s how the corporate world works.

Hello haidme, gongrats for TJ2 greenlit.

I have read the different posts and truely some are just there to do a mess. I encourage you to not let those dudes disturb you and to continue to focus on the creation of your game.

Once again gratz for V2

However, I have some problems on reddit…accusing me for wrongly using Steam functionality according the Demo page of TJ1, which may inflict damage on me and my games

Don’t you worry about it at all. kids stay kids, like men stays boys.
only thing is kids keeps whining about flies, while men eat them when riding to work :D.

if you have done something wrong you had already heard from steam it self, that did’t happen so keep doing what you do.

Congrats again. Re submission exploit: Opinions seem mixed, some accusatory, others giving the benefit of the doubt. Don’t worry about it, only thing to do is liaise with steam according to the processes made available. Keep at it.

Yeah…the problem is Steam is very hard to speak to, they are just ignoring every indie developer, who tries to contact them. Actually the whole system is totally automated. There is no human interaction at all. Only in steamworks forums there is a chance to get an answer from them. However, I decided to remove the demo, I don’t need “bad noise” flying around.
Now I’ll focus on finishing TJ2 and publishing on Steam. :slight_smile:
Thank you for the support!

Smart move.

Post in there (on reddit) that you listen to the community,

I am proud of you for moving to 2.78x (or do you use UPBGE?)

Thanks! I am making TJ2 with 2.78c. UPBGE was the other option, but I had problems with the new python funcs and some new features…probably would’ve took me a couple of days to fix. But I decided to stick with the official builds for now.