Ton and Bigwhale.....

Yup…All Blender work. Good ain’t it?

Hehe…Am I hearing a voice from beyond the grave? Whatever happened to “This is my last post”? :smiley:


Hehe…Am I hearing a voice from beyond the grave? Whatever happened to “This is my last post”? :D[/quote]

the surprise wear off after the second time :stuck_out_tongue:


Learn how to read.

Diditdoneit is pretty good but some of the best animation comes from Shigeto Maeda, the famed creator of the Horus series. If you have not seen any of his work, go here:

Sucks to be you I guess…

and the best character animation certainly comes from Lyubomir Kovatchev.


During the 1980’s there was a television show here in the US called The A Team. Silly show really, but lots of fun if you are 9 years old. Anyway, through the clever use of simple household items found nearby, the main characters would routinely escape their pursuers and live to fight evil another day. HOORAY! FANTASTIC! These guys could easily construct an ultra-light aircraft or thermonuclear device out of a roll of tape, a screwdriver, some potting soil and a fake beard — they were that good. But I digress.

On the show there was a character known as BA Baraccus, BA for short. BA stood for “Bad Attitude”…

Reminds me of someone, but I just can’t nail down the identity. :smiley:

the A team is still on.

The reruns are still on. It isn’t being made anymore.

Learn how to read.[/quote]

haha, your placing way too much importance on your posts (As usual) – I really couldn’t care less – But the general impression I got from your post was this:

“This forum sucks, you guys suck, blender sucks and I’m outta here”

And your still here, aaaargh! :o

that’s probably exactly what he was trying to say :-?


I remember hearing that George Peppard, aka “Hannibal”, took an extended “dirt nap” a couple of years ago. That would make new episodes somewhat difficult to produce.

However, if you happen to see macke in any of the re-run episodes, let me know. :stuck_out_tongue: He is likely to be acting as one of the futile government/army lackeys who always seem to take it in the shorts towards the end of the program.

Whoooo Hooooo! It’s a “macke-attack”, just like in the old forums. I for one am glad macke is here :smiley:

Maybe if someone mentions christian integrist, Iceman will come back and will have a Joeri/Macke/Iceman match! :o


Yup…All Blender work. Good ain’t it?[/quote]

Euh… Can I say it’s not blender who made it?.. I did.
Yeah sure I made it with blender, but, you know, could have been any other 3d package and some nice edit tools…

If people in here where half as good with there mind-hand coordination as they are in there folw-mouth-keyboard coordination, I’d be a happy man. For now: well…


Said (and typed) by someone who belongs here…nice hand-keyboard coordination…

Yup…All Blender work. Good ain’t it?[/quote]

Euh… Can I say it’s not blender who made it?.. I did.
Yeah sure I made it with blender, but, you know, could have been any other 3d package and some nice edit tools…

If people in here where half as good with there mind-hand coordination as they are in there folw-mouth-keyboard coordination, I’d be a happy man. For now: well…


God, I’d wish you’d stop being so cryptic. Who are you talking to? Me or Kevin3d? Either way both of those statements are 100% correct.

When I say: “Yup all Blender work.” I’m operating under the assumption that no one is stupid enough to assume that I am implying that Blender created the animations itself…which I thought was logical, given the fact that someone just asked if diditdoneit was made in Blender.

Oh well, you know what they say about assumption being the mother of all f*ck ups 8)

last thing I heard about the A-Team was that they were planning on making a movie. some cool names were called…

Ha Ha! You’re a laugh riot, Goofster.

It’s kind of troubling knowing that that kind of crap makes its way “over the pond” though. God help Western Civilization! :o

You haven’t been reading much of acasto’s work have you?