Too many vertice. need face when convert to mesh

When you export your SVG or even when you create it DO NOT add a FILL!

Reason for this…The object has a set of vertices around the edge for the outline…
The Fill has a set of vertices to form its outline…
You now have double vertices on the import to Blender…
You can fix it in blender…delete the Faces, ( remove by distance doesn’t work in all cases as the fill and outline vertices are not in the same location or ever close enough to remove…better to just delete all faces and use F >Fill though you will have a huge N-Gon…it will render fine just make sure to remove by distance and also remove LOOSE…for the stray vertices from the fill…After import and any fixing, you may need then convert the curve or curves to mesh ( use the curve tools to make it a continuous curve in the case of many many curves making the object).

OR! Just export the OUTLINE from your vector image with NO FILL and you will save yourself a bit of work…( also in your Curve panel…set the curves to 2D and not 3D.

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