Alright. Im making up a cast of toon characters for general use.
Ive nearly finished the first, and it pretty much sums up the style. I have the concept sketch somewhere…
Here he is:
I need to rig, fix up his ‘legs’, and texture, blend shapes.
So yeah, a lot of work left. But its a simple model, so shouldnt take too long(like all the characters)
All crits wanted(treat like a focused Critique thread), I should have a character concept sheet drawn up soon.
@Wim: Thanks man. The ‘feet’ are actually Hooves…hence the strange shape(hard to tell right now…) Bubble Bobble? I feel so young(Never saw a Commadore 64) @Peng You: Blocky? Not sure I get what you mean. As for the legs: They’re string. SO yeah, extremely thin.
yes, my english doen’t help me, sorry.
what i mean is that it seems a bit squared… there are some parts of the body that looks like a section of a cube with rounded corners (the tail, for example)
but if you designed its in this way, it’s correct, of course!
sorry, it’s only a suggestion…
That character is so cute. I can’t wait to see more. As the tail is quite short, the character does look like it’s leaning forward. And I would consider making the legs thicker; with all that upper weight it looks like they’re going to snap. It’s looking good so far though.
@Thorwil: Read on… @Always21: Thanks. Its true that the legs look like they’re gonna snap. But thats using the traditional thought of legs with bones. With this charcater, its more like his body is floating. The legs are basicly just string, connected to his heavy hoof feet. Its extremely toony physics-wise, obviously not realistic in that sense at all.
Thanks for the crits and comments. Should have been more specific when explaining the legs.