Work in Progress. Was really surprised how nice it is to work with Blender curves for 2D art. Trying to figure out a good way to rig the limbs and face. Done with nurbs curves. Do you have any suggestions as to the simplest way to rig and animate this frog. I need to show him hopping in a race.Will have to model other views I think. Not sure the best way to do this. Any help would be appreciated.
To leave your model using curves you may find you get a better deformation using hooks, you may be able to simplify the animation process by using an armature to move the hooks.
When in edit mode for a curve object, in the curve menu goto Control Points->hooks. This allows you to link the selected curve points to an empty object so that they will move and rotate as the empty is moved.
I will do an example on your file a little later if that helps.