Toon shading outline doesn't appear in render

Hello friends!

I’ve been trying to figure this out for a couple days, and I’m stumped.
I’m setting up a simple toon shaded object with a real time outline using the solidify modifier with inverted normals, and backface culling.

In the materials view-port, it looks like it’s supposed to…

yet int he final render, or in rendered view-port, it looks like this…

I’m assuming the backface culling isn’t working in the final render.
For anyone interested, here’s a blend!
squareA.blend (491.1 KB)

Anyone know what I did wrong?
Thank you for your time!

Ah - that backface culling button only turns off the backfaces in the viewport. If you want to turn them off in render then you need to…

Or in cycles / eevee :

Thank you for your reply!

I did in fact check the archive of old forum threads before posting, and I myself found the blender-internal material node setup you linked. I tried it myself, and nothing rendered at all.
squareB.blend (523.0 KB)

I’ve done this in Cycles before, but I’m trying to figure it out in blender internal to speed up my workflow. Have I missed a button, checkbox, or setting somewhere? I’m using Blender 2.79, so it shouldn’t be a glitch.

Hmmmm… I tried this and it seemed to work…

Same setup. Same problem. As you see, the cube isn’t even visible when rendered in the lower view-port.

Do you think it might be a hardware issue? I’m using on-board graphics and a laptop-version of an Intel i7. Kinda a cheeky recipe.

Try to check Z-transparency in material options. Without it your alpha will work as mask.

Herp-derp. I’m a derp.

That’s the solution. Thanks for the help! It works now. :wink: