Toonshaded medievel soldiers

These models will shrunk down to be sprites in my new medievel strategy game.

edit:fixed the link.

geocities cant do direct linking to images so please post a link to it instead.

I noticed the link didn’t work (it seemed to work when I previewed te message thouge. strange). Anyway, fixed the link.

Nice models.

Now you need mounted knights :wink:


I’m actually working on a mounted knight right now 8)

WOW! Those look great.

They seem a little plain, but it works.


I like it! your soldiers look like Lombroso (spelling?) types though… Just a suggestion, maybe you should subdivide the meshes so that you get rid of the cartoonlines that are not on visible edges, as is it looks like your soldiers have a Wire mesh overt hem… nice over all though.


I used shadeless materials for the units, so that the units would look more cartoonlike. I wanted to shade the models a bit but i couldn’t get a nice contrasting shades so that the units would still look cartoonish as oposed to smooth shades.

Subdividing and smoothing didn’t help very much erasing the gridlines . Anyway I somehow like those thin lines, it makes the models look les flat.

If these knight models will be shrunk down in the game, the grid lines won’t be visible.

Cool toon shading BTW :slight_smile: