Top-Down Racing Game

I (finally) started to work on a new game. It’s a top-down 2D-ish racing game.
The game will be quite simple, just like any regular racing game.

So far I just finished the car physics and AI. The positioning is kinda glitchy as you can see. The numbers flicker a little bit and sometimes have wrong values.

The AI is really simple. It uses way points (empties) and distances. The cars just turn left or right based on the angle between the right axis and the way point position.

Any suggestions/critics/etc are welcome :slight_smile:

looks like a micro machines with placeholder graphics :wink:
Now it’s better.
Those are flat planes with textures. I baked the normal, specular and diffuse maps.

EDIT: Higher-res screenshot

Catch free road texture. ;]

The cars look great with the normal maps :slight_smile:

@MarvinCJames Thank you :slight_smile:
@pachupp Thanks!! :slight_smile: here’s the result

Haha, it’s awesome :slight_smile: . And the cars with your BI material for cars (I guess) look very good

It looks very good so far! The jumpiness and high responsiveness of the cars make me so happy! (I don’t know why!?)
Keep it up!

thronecode and youle Thank you! :slight_smile:
Level update.

Cool, its starting to form shape. :slight_smile:


hehe, I got my first YouTube hater :slight_smile:

This takes me back to old school days where we’d play flash games in class.
Good stuff!