Sometimes, if they interest me.
EDIT: Like that free 3d CAD program ad, I’m gonna click on that now.
EDIT AGAIN: Eh, nevermind, the free version doesn’t export to other formats.
no. I have them blocked
hellz no. BA deserves no money.
ummmm what adverts
for some reason, they wont open up in a new tab with firefox on middle click, so no. but i used to give a few clicks every now and then.
Heh, I had no idea there were any ads, then I realized I use Adblock Plus. I guess it works!
only once and a while if I see somethin interesting
I use Kerio firewall, which blocks ads
No, I have them blocked. I would unblock the ads if they stopped putting them between the posts.
I don’t but if they’d bring money to BA I’d klick on them. So does klicking bring money?
Adbock, never saw any adds over here. I works very well
I think so
I do one a day
Ooh, new smilies :evilgrin: :eyebrowlift: :mad: :no: :o :RocknRoll: :rolleyes: :spin: :eyebrowlift2: :yes: :eek: :ba:
I don’t but if they’d bring money to BA I’d klick on them. So does klicking bring money?
Yes, and it costs someone too. Please remember that. If you want to give to ba, give to ba out of your own wallet, not by charging some innocent third party.
Also, please don’t ask others to click, partly because of what I have already said, but also because in most T&C’s it’s an offense so you may be negatively affecting ba.
Terms and conditions?
Bingo. Terms and conditions, sorry for the unnecessary apostrophe.
Normally I have them blocked, but I just looked at one of them showing a desktop 3D scanner. Looks sweet! Relatively cheap for what it is too… link
yay! i’m a minority. i refuse to use adblockers, simply because some ads are either too funny or too intriguing to pass up (Yahoo radio has some funny ones, and the ads on this site are good for future reference)