Total beginner needing help woth making the ball bounce

Hi all,

I’m new to Blender and am very slowly managing to learn how to use it. I’ve just done a search but can’t find anything that helps…I’m doing the tutorial that shows you how to create a plane, a sphere and try to make it bounce. I follow the instructions but the ball doesn’t bounce off the plane…sometimes it goes off in a spiral, sometime it goes through the plane, sometimes the plane and the ball fall together remaining equdistant. I know it’s something simple, but please, any help?


select the ball and enable the “Actor” “Dynamic” “Rigid Body” in the Game Panel
Them “Bounds” and “Sphere”.
Assign a material to it, press the Dyn button and set Restitut: to 0.8
It should work now?!

With the information you supplied, all I can say for sure is:
you’re doing it wrong. ^^

perhaps if you gave a link to the tutorial, and upload an example of what’s not working, I could help you more.

You could try making sure the ball is dynamic and “no sleeping” is on, but that’s all I can think of.

Hi there, these are the instructions I am following:
With the mouse cursor over a 3D viewport, press NUMPAD-7 to switch to TOP view.
Press the spacebar and select Add >Mesh >Plane. Press TAB to leave edit mode and enter object mode. [1]
Enlarge the plane by pressing S and dragging the mouse cursor away from the center of the plane. Click to stop re-sizing. The plane will serve as the ‘floor’.
Add A UVSphere using the same sequence for adding the plane object. Press TAB to enter object mode.
With the mouse cursor over a 3D viewport, press NUMPAD 1 for Front view, then press G and move the sphere above the plane. Click to exit Grab Mode. You may need to scale the sphere down. It will be the ball which collides with the floor.
Go to logic panel (move cursor over Button Viewport and press F4).
Click on actor button (in the upper left corner of the logic panel), then Dynamic, then Rigid Body. This activates physics properties for the sphere so it can bounce.
Change the value of “Radius” to 2.0. It may simply be called “dius”, or “ius.” Notice the dotted line that appears around the sphere. This dotted line marks how big the physics engine thinks this sphere is. For now, set it back to 1.0.
Next, you want to add some colour to the sphere and the plane (see Blender_3D:_Noob_to_Pro/Quickie_Material for details), so you can tell the two apart during simulation.
Move the cursor over a 3D viewport and press P. The sphere will drop down and collide with the plane. Press ESC to end simulation
For fun, try rotating the plane in front or side (NUMPAD 3) view and press P again. The ball will first hit the plane, then roll down. Add several more planes rotated to differing angles and position them in the falling path of the ball to keep it going

I’m not sure how I can get it wrong :o/

Thanks again for any help :o)

I just realised that for some reason the dotted line circle that appears was not in the same place as the ball I had positioned ver the plane, when i moved the dotted line back to the ball and pressed P it all worked well.
Thanks peeps
