Touchpad and Sliders

do you know the name of an addon that shows the time a node is processed in the shader editor?

besides this addon there are others that help to optimize the processing of nodes? which ?

thank you so much

I don’t believe there are any - individual node evaluation isn’t available through the API, the geometry nodes equivalent is hard coded in C.

I know for sure that Mix Shader nodes are bad for performance, you should use as few as possible. Use MixRGB instead whenever possible.

The higher the scale or detail of procedural textures, the slower they are. Use small scale and detail values when possible.

Generally speaking, division is the slowest of the four basic operations (ASMD). It’s not a big enough difference in modern computing to matter, but I would guess 1000 division nodes would be slightly slower than 1000 multiplication nodes.

Translucency is a slower shader than transparency.

Clear coat and sub surface will both slow things down- they’re useful, for sure, just avoid them if you don’t need them

is there a way to change the slider increment with shortcuts?
for example : arrows ?


Nope, sorry

I. Did. Not. Know. That.



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I wanted to limit in node value slider.
for it to display only 1 to 0 .



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You can also use a combination of Math node types: Minimum, Maximum, Greater Than, Lesser Than, Add, as described here. The last screenshot is the better example.

Then do this:

Here, I’ll even do it for you:
0-1.blend (900.5 KB)
Granted, by clamping your value to 0-1, you’re forcing yourself to scale at the same precision as you would if you weren’t using any Math nodes at all… making this whole thing pointless… but you can’t have “clamped 0-1” and “draggable 3 digits of precision” at the same time, it’s very literally impossible with how Blender works :person_shrugging:

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why does node have to be multiply instead of divide ?

It doesn’t, it can be anything you want, but there’s no combination of math nodes that’s going to let you have a clamped 0-1 slider with three decimal digits of precision. There’s no way to do what you’re looking for without editing Blender’s source code. You’re going to have pick one or the other- 0-1 slider, or three decimal digits of precision

is the node : value really necessary?
or I can use node math’s value slider with the same result?


sure, you can adjust one or the other value as you see fit

I would recommend trying out these configurations to find what works for you. Everyone has their own style and it’s hard for us to know what works for you and what doesn’t.

You have a lot of options now to play with, test them out and let us know what you think.

Do you believe that this addon fulfills the promise mentioned on the site?


No. In my testing, a MixRGB node is no slower than all the math nodes required to reproduce it. There may have been a point in history when this add-on would have a tangible benefit, but it’s not going to with a modern build of Blender. It’s also not worth paying for, even if it did have a benefit- you can easily reconstruct any MixRGB with a handful of math nodes, and all the formulas are freely available on Wikipedia. But yeah, long story short, this add-on replaces MixRGB nodes with math nodes, and there’s no tangible benefit to doing that

you said :
all the formulas are freely available on Wikipedia

do you have a link?


do you know any material that explains the functions of node math with example images?


Most of them are self explanatory, the ones that aren’t are standard math functions you can google. The Blender manual has a description of each math function: