Touchpad and Sliders


I have a wacon Pen Tablets with Touchpad function.

I was wondering if I can use it as a precision slider (0.001 resolution) in the shader editor node sliders in Blender?

another question :

is it possible to make blender sliders immensely bigger by clicking on them with the mouse?
it can be through addons like the pie menu editor.

thank you so much

You can hold down Shift while Dragging on a slider to get precision increments… other than that, I’m not sure

this I already know.

it’s still not accurate.
my wish is increment of 0.001 .


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do you believe that you can configure the : microsoft surface dial , link above , to control the sliders in blender ?

You can easily configure it or any external control to one specific slider, but there’s not a universal controller in Blender for all sliders. There’s nothing in the keymap for “change sliders”. You’d have to write a script that modifies every slider value all at once, one by one, which would be insanely slow, and you’d have to use a sidebar panel or something to filter which slider was the one being modified. You’d need a drop down list where you could pick the right slider, but there’s hundreds, so that drop down would be super unwieldy

I found that putting the mouse over the slider pressing the : ctrl and rotating the mouse wheel I can change the slider in increments of 0.1

is it possible to set the increment to 0.001?


You can adjust your scene’s Unit Scale.

I’m not talking about the dimension of the scene.

I want to configure the sliders increment.
like the ones that exist in the shader editor nodes.

in any case thanks

I found the command, image below.
Is there a way to change the increment?


Sorry to put your hopes down, but that’s not the increment command you’re looking for. Those are the camera view controls that allow you to pan the camera view horizontally.

The Shader Node Precision is embedded in source I believe and cannot be changed internally, and can only be tweaked by recompiling Blender itself externally.

The only suggestion I have is to use your copy-and-paste function to paste in either +0.001 or -0.001 whenever you need or want to.

is it possible to change the increment from addons like pie menu editor?
is it possible by pie menu editor to create shortcuts of : +0.001 and -0.001 ?


Add-ons are a bit out of my league. @testure might be able to make you one though.

Nope. There is a hacky workaround though- create a numerical custom property, and use the value of that divided by 1000 as a driver for your slider

I can’t do this alone.

do you have a tutorial?

thank you so much

I missed that you’re using shader nodes- that makes this even easier. Here you go:
3_digit_precision.blend (950.3 KB)

but it is possible to apply this adjustment in all the sliders of the shader editor as default?


Nope, as was said earlier, the precision value is hard-coded in C

I don’t have a solution, but I feel your pain. On sliders that I can plug a node into, I would add in a multiply node connected to a value node, so I could scale the pace of growth by my own multiplier, but not every slider can be plugged into.

I’d love to be able to slow sliders down even further. Maybe add alt to slow it down another 10x?

Maybe you could make a post on right click select.

It seems like low hanging fruit to me, perhaps one of the devs will agree.


you said :
I would add in a multiply node connected to a value node

I liked this tip.

is there a correct way to mount these nodes?
is it possible to limit the node value slide from : 0.000 to 1.000 ?


Switch the math node to Multiply instead of Division in my file. There’s not a way to set a Min or max value for a Value node, however… you can work around it by making the value node a Group with Ctrl G. Open the sidebar panel with N, go to Group, and change the min and max of the Value output. Use that group instead of the value node.

You could even make a group from the Value node and the Math node, set the Min and max for that output, and just use that

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