Touring Bicycle Steel Lugged Vintage Groupset

You’re on the #featured row! :+1:

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Really top notch stuff here! Incredible level of detail and texturing/materials!! Loving the shifters!! The bike really looks like it’s been ridden.

The one thing that stuck out to me is that in the screen shots, the large chain ring is just floating in space, it’s not attached to the smaller chain ring like it is in the full renders…



This is beyond incredible!

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Amazing reality!! and detail !!!

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Wow that’s impressive! o(*°▽° *)o

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Hi everyone,

Here is the “Behind the Scenes” article for this stunning artwork!

Please do check out this article, written by the artist himself. It describes the step-by-step process of creating the artwork and provides insight into vehicle-designing in Blender.

Alina Khan
Editor at Blender Nation | LinkedIn


my bike is running that for years, scrapyard gang for life!

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I cannot even begin to imagine where to begin with such sophisticated sub-div. modeling involved. Great level of discipline is required to complete such :clap:t6:

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