Touring Bicycle Steel Lugged Vintage Groupset

I modeled this bike after my own Sam Hillborne bike by Rivendell however this version is an elevated version with vintage Campagnolo parts that I can only dream about owning. I had been watching Porco Rosso during the surfacing phase of this project and my brain is very porous when it comes to outside influences hence the references. This bike was both a joy to model as well as an absolute nightmare.



Incredible level of detail!
Really really nice.
Have you some wireframes to show?


Here ya go.
Uploading: BikeWires_01.png…


The modelling is really impressive. What is your workflow like for these complicated mechanical parts?

Thankyou. The hardest parts were the front and rear derailleur components and I have not secret technique for those just a lot of suffering and perseverance.


Nice…really really nice!!!
How did you model the tyre threads?

Just a simple array and symmetry

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When is is the tutorial coming out?

Amazing work! You really nailed the dimensions and angles of the frame and parts which is understandably hard with bikes, one of the reasons they’re hard to draw in 2D.
Incredible model and render.

The only knock is seeing a Shimano chain on Campy parts. :nerd_face: People have been sacrificed to the bike Gods for less. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Lol shit I never considered that ahaha.


This is amazing! How long did it take you to complete the model?

I worked on this thing for about 6 months in my spare time while doing a fulltime job and working on some projects around the house. A good chunk of my time was spend on various renders while trying to settle on a presentation. Maybe 3 months to finish the modeling and surfacing but it’s hard to be accurate when this was a couple years ago.

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lol feel your pain : )

Some high end, old school sub-d edge modeling going on here - nice too see.


Amazing work. Being both a blender and cycling nut I love it. Champagne elements are stunning.

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Thankyou! It’s really tough sometimes having the knowledge that both Blender and Bikes are the best and that Maya and Cars are coffins :wink:

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Impressive! very inspiring work.

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I am amazed at your focus to bring such detail into clarity. I appreciate how much energy and effort it must have been for you. I find myself wanting to take it for a ride just to get it dirty. It looks brand new and needs to be used! :smiley: Good job!

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Great modelling but it is the superb texturing that really lifts this to a level above most of the bike models I’ve seen. It looks like somebody’s well-loved but used bike rather than a showroom or CG bike, that’s hard to do.

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Wow thankyou!

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