Tower Siege 2

Ok, here’s a little “Competition” Want your name in the credits for this game? Try to make me a HUD that of which much like Age of Empires 1,2, or 3. I could do it myself but I got finished touches I need to complete first. Here’s the requirements:

PNG (with alpha and drop shadow)
Maybe wood styled? Or something completely different.

Have fun =D


I never knew of scaleing objects in the GE, I had thought of it but always passed it off.

Kudos on that, I’ll definitely be looking into it.

Glad you like! From here all I have to do is use it to find all objects inside the collision plane then set them to the active objects.

Nice… how are you going to make them keep thier form once you move um?

I not planning on moving in form, when they all move the way their arranged and when they hit each other they turn away and move forward.

When can we test it? looks very nice and simplistic

dont give up on this. Its lookin pretty awesome so far

I plan not to give up, although not sure if I can finish it in time (March 16th) if it doesn’t get finished before then you will see a TON of new features :wink: :wink: thanks to yournamehere we have very awesome new buildings, and we are merging this game with GLSL and videotexture reflections to make real time water reflections, to make boat creation fun and cool!

If you don’t have a glsl ready card and you want to play this game I reckon you should go out and buy one :wink:

hopfully u will, and itll be just as awesome

um wow i think you’ve done an amazing job…to be honest i didn’t even know the engine was cabable of this…watched the video…it’s very nice…haha made me think back to the days when i played stronghold crusader…loved that game

Well, I got to say. I’m digging the look of it.

This is an old thread. You shouldn’t disturb it. I believe killer has stopped working on it(correct me if I am wrong) But you shouldn’t disturb it unless you are killer yourself. He did do a good job, but you don’t need to bring this thread back up to the fron’t because it just pushes up to date threads back

it was on todays post…so i clicked didn’t know it was old lol

weird because the last post on this thread was in february