Tower Siege 2

I love it when you build a wall. That can be a nice way to make separate maps in the game engine!! All models still have to be on the same engine though :frowning:

Well, if you are really organized, you should know what percentage of the game is done.

Thereā€™s no way to tellā€¦ please stop spamming this thread with useless comments.

Well, if you are really organized, you should know what percentage of the game is done.

Mokazon, Iā€™m a patient person, but I canā€™t take this anymore. I click on this thread to see updates, not to see spam. No one cares how much of the game is done in percentages. Game design is not systematic, itā€™s about problem solving. Please, leave the thread alone. Youā€™ve said more than you need to say.


edit: Killer, just put your updates in the first post. please, it would help all of us.

Yes I will start posting updates in the first post. As i didnā€™t expect it to get this cluttered up =X

I have a problem, Iā€™m trying to add both the empty and the siege unit separate and set them both in the dictionary but I get this weird problem, hereā€™s my code:

		if lmb.isPositive() and own.activeObject == "siege" and own.timer >= 1:
			pos = own.getPosition()
			obj = addObject.getLastCreatedObject()
			objname = obj.getName()
			obj1 = addObject.getLastCreatedObject()
			obj1name = obj.getName()

			GameLogic.siegeUnits[obj1] = obj
			GameLogic.selectedUnit = [obj1]

now if I remove this:

			obj1 = addObject.getLastCreatedObject()
			obj1name = obj.getName()

it works fine (but iā€™m moving an empty so I canā€™t see the object cause it wasnā€™t added)

I fixed it! Ok now for a while I have to announce that Iā€™m done editing the mouse script! (the unit creation/movement script) because that script is fiiiinnnniiiishhhheeedd! Iā€™m now working on making the unit detect collision (so they donā€™t go through walls.)

My brain is fried now, lol. So i need suggestions. To detect collisions I have 4 ray sensors (on each side) and set to INV so if theyā€™re true he goes forward otherwise he sits still. This works fine EXCEPT when I move it next to a stationary object (say a building of another siege unit) i can no longer move the unit (if itā€™s next to another unit I canā€™t move either) any suggestions?

Because the game is tile based you can detect walls and buildings by having a two dimensional list storing passable values. eg:

width = 10
height = 10

passable = []

for x in range(width):
    for y in range(height):

To detect units you will need rays.

Also, is this:

if lmb.isPositive() and own.activeObject == "siege" and<b> own.timer &gt;= 1</b>:

There so the objects donā€™t get constantly added? It can be better done like this:

if lmb.isPositive() and <b>lmb.isTriggered()</b> and own.activeObject == 'siege':

Hereā€™s a simple mockup for the avatar. Iā€™m no texture artist and I will edit, this is just the style Iā€™m going for.

Edit, for some reason the transparency isnā€™t showing up right =X


Andrew, I know how to detect objects, my problem is if I stop motion when an object is detected it wonā€™t move when you click away from it =/

Updated first post!

I figured out how to randomly spawn trees! This is my method:

Trees need to be on the grid (an even number) so I used the random module to get a random number in a range (in this case the grid is 4x11 so I randomed the xy between those values and set the position of the trees to that. Hereā€™s a quick screen of the random trees! (using 10 trees)


Fantastic! Simply fantastic!

Hereā€™s a demo with a light bloom shader. Notice the glowing objects, it adds an entirely new level of graphics to it.

EDIT:: And another screenshot

Hereā€™s a high quality:


That screen shot looks great, I very much like the glowing words.
Good luck with the rest of the game, you have had excellent progress so far.


Thanks! I hope to finish it in the next few weeks, the python part is just about done, Iā€™m now working in gimp to make a GUI, then add in the final touches to AI, and I should be good to go!

it looks sooo good is it a free game or will you sell it?

Itā€™ll be free

excellent bloom, killer. but, for such awesome features, the trees seemā€¦ i dunno. ā€œsimpleā€. i think the trees should be like, more detailed or somethin, since everything else is so complex and stuff. know what i mean?

The trees are temp.