Trần Não home design/renovation

My lastest work with Blender and Luxcore
Very happy to work with Antru Studio from Vietnam
This project lasts 1 month
Hope you guys like it!
Have a nice day!


And after


Nice project the transformation is very radical. the clients will like it.
btw the community will also appreciate a post in the forum to in case you don’t mind:

Great job anyway. May i ask you how many time to render that ? Gi cache enable ? GPU or CPU ?

Thank you very much @sharlybg
It took 1 hour per frame with 4096 samples and Full HD resolution
Gi cache enabled with GPU :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Don’t want to bother you but Wich GPU ?
Can I see your GI cache setting.

I’m using a RTX 2080 Super
And here is my setting

I’m sure you can have at least a 2X boost. With your GPU and the fact that your scene showcase a lot of diffuse (less reflective surface ) i would render this in maxi 20min.
try a lower brute force radius scale ( lower until you get light leaks. the lower the number the faster the render).
Also for small space you can have a lower photon count. for example a 12 squares meter bedroom i can use 4 millions . this will speed up your precomputation. The bigger the room the bigger the photon count and higher the precomputation time.

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Can you post a clay render?

@sharlybg thank you very much! I will try that setting and let’s see how long will it take :smiley:

@valera Yes of course :smiley: