Tracer fan-art

So I found something from BlizzCon where they explained their pipeline for the cinematic characters: (Tracer starts at 15:08).
They used displacement maps instead of normal maps that the game uses:

You can cleary see that theres more deph to the whole character on the right shot, which is the cinematic version.

Started focusing on side view, trying to get the ears and nose right.

Faceswap for the model of the cinematic version. I have also improved the ears and neck.

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Ohhh I like the lashes, can you add some of the hair triangles next?

Yes, Im working on the hair right now :slight_smile:

Heres the full body so far and some things I have fixed today.

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Have started on the placement of the hair curves. Each haircard is seperate so I can easily place them out.

Hair update :slight_smile:

More hairs. Its hard to fill the whole scalp and make it look natural at the same time.

Done with the hair.

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With the hair done, I decided to use texture paint for skin to fully utilize the potential of 2.8 :slight_smile:

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So, I went and redid the whole face

Texture paint update. She got better skin now. Time to start with the hair.

So, the hair finally got some love. Its hard but this is what I got so far:

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Cleaned up the hair mesh abit and seperated it into haircards for better control. Finished the back hair.

Got around to finish her hair :slight_smile: Thanks to @pixl for providing the hairshader. Its finally time for clothes!

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Nice smile :smile:

Coming together well!

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She finally have some covers :slight_smile: Seperated faces by loose parts. Im unsure if I should do it like this or make all the clothes seperate meshes. I will try to rigg her, so what would be the best method for modeling clothes?

Started adding the fine details on her pilot jacket.

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Calling her pilotjacket done. Time for the rest of the armor.