Tracer fan-art

Cheers loves!

As Nintendo released Overwatch on Switch, I wanted to try to do this Tracer model from Blizzards cinematic short “Alive” which is a different model than the game-model. “Alive” can be seen here: .

I shaped her head in Daz using the 200+headmorps pack and imported it to Blender for further sculpting
and armor modeling. Did the hair with curves. Heres the progress so far. These shots is from Blender:


I got some feedback about the anatomy in her face for the eyes and nose. Fixed that in the latest shot :slight_smile: I also found this thread where someone actually studied the face:

To be fair in the “Alive” screencap you can clearly see there is at least an eyeball’s height of distance (or two) between the bottom of her eyes and the bottom of her nostrils.

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So the distance between the eyes and the nose should be abit shorter? I went in and fixed too big mouth and short neck + somewhat longer face:

Quick fix, thinner lips and adjusted the ear high

Sure friend, let’s call it perspective. :slight_smile:

Also, I did some changes to her body to make it look more feminine. She looks more grown up in the “Alive” version, than the game-version one.

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The way I see it, the nose is much to high, also the mouth should be lower. I made this simple comparison and drawn some lines.


Thank you! Now I see what I have done wrong the whole time :slight_smile:

How does it look now?

Quick shading test :slight_smile:

I did some anatomy studying again and figured out that my version is abit too thick. Heres what I have now:


You’re improving the proportions :+1:nice work, please go on.

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Thanks, I fixed her way too big eyes in the previous version too :slight_smile: Also, these areas could need some adjustments. Will fix this later today.

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Did some adjustments for the nose and cheeks:

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Did a “faceswap” and figured out what I need to fix in my version. Eyes too big and mouth too low. Needs some more deph too. Could need some more curves on her cheeks. Skin needs to be a bit higher. The nose got pretty much accurate.

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Wow it’s really coming along. I’d love to see the eyes with the lashes.

Thanks! :slight_smile: Went in and fixed too big eyes and added some curves on her cheeks. I will model my own eyes for more control.

New faceswap, I think its done!

I have started on the skin shading. She looks kinda sunburnt for now :smile:

Did som skin shader improvements (old is on the arms for comparison) and added eyes.

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