Tracking, floor leveling not correct

Hello all,

I’m trying to track a fairly simple video I took with my phone but when I try to set trackers to align to floor level the camera rotates to a weird angle. It’s my first time doing something like this so I can’t figure out where the error might be or if that’s how it works. Any help would be much appreciated.

Adjust your sensor size using Blender presets. You may get that info in a official page or use this list. Track more points, having a good amount near, mid and far will help. But avoid point that are too far, Blender doesn’t solve those with much precision. Even using proper parameters you may not get a good solve, in that case use sensor Fullframe and focal lenghts like 35, 50, 75mm then refine it. Tracking smartphone shots usually are difficult because it tryes to emulate a real camera with an additional lens or software. Also if possible try to get 8 points through the entire shot.

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Thanks for the tips! I’ll try that and hopefully it’s gonna be better!