Train station in Japan

A train station in Arimagawa, all model are made in Blender 2.8, and textured in Substance Painter, plus some custom texture in Photoshop. I was inspired by this image, and so I look for the place in Google map and use the images as a reference. Took me around a week for this. Feedback are welcome :slight_smile:

Artstation link


really nice!!, loved it.:heart_eyes:


I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Thx a lot!

Great work!
The only thing I have to mention is the side of the platform looks a little bit CGI’sh to me))
Maybe you can add some cracks or spots to it.


Looking good already.

I agree with @RuK that the platform looks a bit off. I think that the platform is not exactly how concrete looks and the construction is a bit off. In the reference, you can see that the concrete is made of lots of slightly differently coloured stones and gravel, which give it a specific appearance. They also have a lot of bumps in the way that the rough stones are all together, and where some have fallen apart as a result of wear and tear.


You’re #featured! :+1:

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Wow thank you! :laughing:

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It’s looks nice and cozy, but the station looks too clean. And the concrete looks more like gravel.

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That is impressive, great job! Looks like the original image you were inspired from!

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