You know… I bought this book a while back, it’s incredibly simple and can be read in an hour, and it also changed the way I see everything I do (not just character development but EVERYTHING, unfortunately also makes me more down because I better understand the limits of my “creativity” now). So as it applies to your work I recommend checking out that book because…
1.) I would have done dozens of character sketches to show the client before investing 10 hours into a model that they may or may not like.
2.) Understand how 2D shapes (which will translate to 3D form) and exaggerated proportions help create personality (and how they influence the characters personality).
3.) Of which, where is and what is the personality, I don’t see it yet (other than maybe he’s looks more like a credit to cash dude).
I step back and look at this as imagine myself coming to this financial company and being the one to watch these training films. Compare it to an infomercial for a second, the main presenter is usually very animated, oozing personality, gesturing, big facial expressions and overall, nice to look at.
Now, I’m being very, very critical here, but this is because this is your professional work (if it was just a model you were working on everything looks great btw but because it’s your client and I know a bit about your capabilities) you can do way better here.
So I issue you the challenge, show me someone I could watch for 2 hours ramble on about something that typically puts me to sleep but would keep my attention. Your character’s job is to grab my attention and to keep it until he’s/she’s/it’s gotten his message across.
Again, sorry for being so very critical.
Now (just normally) evaluating the model. Looks good, nothing wrong with it but a missing head =P . While I know materials are maybe place holders, I would still think hard about the colors and the fashion (again, another opportunity to build character and personality). I just imagine to myself what kind of person in the real world would I be looking at wearing those color of pants.
Anyways, again, I am very sorry for being harsh, but I find myself caring enough about your project being a success that I needed to state myself. Congratulations and I’m quite excited for you, I hope huge success for you so you can grow the business! (…and hire some of us in the future =P )