Transfer normal + weight normal vs mirroring

Hey there!
i have an issue mirroring transfer normal faces with weight normals.

how would You solve this?
case 1: weight and transfer normal is before the mirror, then everything on the axis of mirror is dying that is weight normal controlled
case 2: weight and transfer normal is after the mirror, then everything that was “transfer normal-ed” is flipping on the mirrored side.

a workaroung but it’s slow and not flexible:
masking out the weight normal where transfer normal faces are
vnormal_test.blend (1.3 MB)

  1. Please remove the settings
  2. Change the order

vnormal_test_X.blend (1.4 MB)

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Thank You for the fast feedback
Unfortunatelly as You changed the order, the weight normal overwrites the transfer normal shading info and i get back the “wrong” shading (the shading without using the “normal transfer” modifier
it’s already visible on the screenie what You made, but if i open the blend file it’s also visible on that object too.

btw i don’t get what kind of settings You are referring to to get them removed.
where can i find them in vanila blender, since i don’t have this fency gui window You have on the screenshot :slight_smile:

You can remove Add custom split Normals Data.
You don’t need to set up this part unless you set it up separately.


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But i don’t have any custom split data (stored)

And again, the blend file You provided has the default “bad” shading, soo don’t see the solution here, sorry.

Custom split normal data is just storing the normal data without modifiers. can handy to export mesh with custom normal data, or if You want to transform the object with transfer normal, but in this case i don’t have any on the mesh

i’m using blender 3.2, maybe later versions are working differently (don’t think so, but who knows :))

I look normal and it’s the same as the attached image. Which part looks weird. :thinking:

Blender 3.6.

Now worries, and yeah the blend file is the same as the screenie You attached so they are in sync :slight_smile:
it’s already visible with default material, but if You switch something less diffuse, more shiney or matcap stuff, the shading (and it’s error) gets more highlighted)

It’s because the edges are not organized.

You mean organized from topo wise?
Sure that’s why god created the transfer normal :slight_smile:
btw if i connect every edge and make the whole thing quad, then the shading would be still wrong :stuck_out_tongue:

I know what you’re trying to do. :thinking:
But I don’t know this part well.
I don’t know if anyone else can answer. :sweat_smile:

Hey, no worries, at least we tried to figure it out :slight_smile:
Anyhow Thank You for the good intention, and the feedbacks already!

Watch the video and do it. It can be reproduced.

DDS.blend (987 KB)

I think we get off the track a bit :slight_smile:
I already can use transfer normal feature (i’m on the mesh machine train, it’s an essential tool)
what i’m looking after is still:
How can i use transfer normal (normal transfer modifier) with the combination of weight normal modifier, and mirror modifier to get the both the transfer normal and weight normal work and visible.
I would like to do that to avoid double selecting, stashing and transfering both the mirrored and mirroring side of the mesh.
You know, when You don’t want to go over both of the sides of something since the two side of the mesh is symmetrical :slight_smile:
Unfortunatelly the tutorial You showed is not mirroring anything on the fly (by modifiers), just simply select all the faces that should be fixed via custom normals.
But please correct me if i overlooked something!

In the video he used symmetrize, and before he started to do any transfer of data he applied all the modifiers…So you would need to do the same to follow the tutorial… Apply the Hops-Mirror etc.

I did the attached file in the same way as you did, and I just followed the method of the video.

I’m not good at English, so I don’t understand and I don’t know if I’m saying something else. :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:

Ok let’s this sort out :slight_smile:
1- In the video indeed there is a symmetrization at 2:21, but it’s a “static one”, and nothing to do with the transfer normal, just simply mirrored the mesh BEFORE any normal modification.
2-Later in the video, the creator just simply select all the faces He want to involved with transfer normal.
Still no mirroring on the mesh.
3-The stash mesh is also not a mirrored thing and during the transfer normal it isn’t “mirrored” to anywhere (logically since the base mesh isn’t mirorred either)

I totally accept if You are saying that i can’t create a weight normaled mesh with transfer normal on top, and mirror the whole, thing, so later if i modify the mesh, i don’t have to go over to the mirorred side too and redo the same thing also on that side.
I accept that, but i still hope there is a solution to get away with this without “baking” all the operation (applying the modifiers) since transfer normal is working with mirror if transfer normal is before the mirror modifier, and weight normal is also working with mirror if it’s after the mirror modifier.
As i mentioned already it is a workaround if i’m masking out the weight normal at the area where transfer normal affects, but that’s still a bit rigid, since i have to create a summerizing vertex group of all the transfer normal vertex group if there are more then one vertex group on the asset.

So sadly, the video contains no information about the thing i’m looking for (and again maybe there is no such a thing that i’m looking after :))

I also tried what if tranfser normaled faces are connected via mirror, and also transfer normal is screwed it they touching the “mirroring plane”

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I looked closely at the attached file and thought it was different. :sweat_smile:

I hope everyone else has an idea for this… :slightly_smiling_face:

but it has no weight normal on it, so every other part of the mesh which has no transfer normal on it will screwed from shading wise (we are talking about midpoly, chamfered meshes here)

I don’t know if this result is correct, but it looks plausible. :smiling_face_with_tear:

vnormal_test_S.blend (1.4 MB)

Hey it’s not bad at all!
I don’t know what NormalEdit modifier is doing (i mean in this case :))
but i makes the shading a bit funky!
if i turning it off i get back the “normal” vertex normal directions, but still strange a it because weight normal with weight 50 still makes the cylinder “steppy” in Your blender file oo_1942
i can’t figure out why.
i also see You used that masking trick there :slight_smile:

meanwhile i wrote a small script (with assist of ai :D) that selects all the NormalTransfer vertex groups, select their content, invert the selection and create a vertex group from it, then create a weight normal modifier with that vertex group as a mask.

only disadvantage of this method is i have to keep clear my NormalTransfer vertex group list, but that’s a reasonable compromise

next i will try to delete with script all the NormalTransfer vertex groups they are not used in any NormalTransfer modifiers so i can get a valid vertex group selection after that, which i can use in my WN modifier masking.

And it’s done
Now i have a fully automatic updating “system” that updates the weight normal modifier mask if a normal transfer modifier is added, or if it’s deleted (at delete i have to press again the update button :P)

I even managing a plus weight normal with weight 100 for flat surfaces, and keep the “overall masked” weight normal with weight 50 since it’s good for curved surfaces such as spheres and cylinders.

It’s interesting because now NormalTransfers are working above the mirror modifier, and if i transform the objec the normal transfer is not scewing up as before.

vnormal_test_vgroup.blend (1.5 MB)

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