Hi ! new to blender I just started to learn to use it for a project, I have to mods a game and I wanted to do the straps for a character but I have a problem when I do the transfer weight even when I try to corrected it manually… maybe the problem is in the mesh I created ? very simple but this is my first mesh created from scratch with a path convert to a mesh.
here is photos, I did a movement with one of the bones to show you the effect and how it look without movement.
Does anyone have any idea what can I do to fix that ? thank you
It looks like there’s a loop on the shirt it’s supposed to be following? I would separate that loop to a new object and transfer weights from it. (Don’t forget to transfer weights with the armature in rest position.)
Maybe I’m going to see that and reply if there is any change but things weird is that with other assets from the games I had no problem to transfer weight, first time happening is with a mesh I created from scratch
assuming you did use the “data transfer” modifier
did you apply the modifier before animation?
cause if the modifier is still live it will try to transfer over and over each frame/editing action
Well it is a weight problem I think but I didn’t do any animation in blender, its for a video game to use in gameplay and cutscene.
I don’t know if in this case I need this modifier never used it but in another topic they tips to use “transfer weight” I followed what they do and It worked for other mesh I extract from the game but in this case I created those straps.
would the “data transfer” be useful ?
well, i used data transfer before to transfer weight from let’s say the skin of a character to shoes or clothes, with nearest vertex and i though you did the same,
when i use that better apply the modifier after you’re satisfied with the result. if you move a bone you get weird results cause now the modifier will try to transfer the weight again using the nearest vertex,
I tried with the modifier like you did by selecting the source “the shirt” but still the same problem, could it be because of my mesh ? something I did wrong ?
So the modifier is the same thing as using “transfer mesh” in weight paint tool ?
So here is what I do for the transfer weight :
Transfer from nearest face interpolated instead of nearest vertex. (And, still, make sure that everything’s in rest while doing it.) Unless you’re doing what I recommended earlier, transferring from a string of verts without any faces, in which case, use nearest edge interpolated.
I tried this and it seems to work ! great, still some imperfection but the roots of the problems I post seems to be fixed, I should have tried this sooner, I always look on forums to see if someone had this problem but I didn’t find anything surely missed something as this seems like basic