Transform Orientation Slots

Hi, working on adding User Coordinates System for Tornavis project, I had some issues and questions about Orientation Transforms. They are not a stopper, but would like to understand.

Why are TransformOrientations Slots Created ?

Seems to be always using the slot 0, at least the panel is using a hardcoded 0. (python)
When changed from C part, also using a hardcoded SCE_ORIENT_DEFAULT

Values are


UI should use and enum to acces slots.
Cannot find any reference to Slots on Blender’s manual.
If something internal, why exposed ?

Setting the transform Orientation name reflects bad instruction on Info Area.
It shows up something like[“scene”].(null) = “Name”
Should be something like

bpy.context.scene.transform_orientation_slots[0].get(“A”).name = “Name”

(not working, just idea)

Why the UI does not use the operator to set a Transform Orientation ?

Exists the operator bpy.ops.transform.select_orientation. Using instead bpy.context.scene.transform_orientation_slots[0].type = ‘Name’ I assume there that
they are considered as a enum, so it shows as a var assignment.