Transforming Bow

Thank you :slightly_smiling_face:

Hovering over the Strength value, it looks like the full path is actually:["Shader Nodetree"].nodes["Background"].inputs[1].default_value

But even this appears to be invalid…

It seems like the node_group is invalid?

It looks like ‘Shader Nodetree’ isn’t even an available node group:
‘Lights’ and ‘Metals’ were the custom node groups I created for controlling the lights and Blade metal…

Even the Blender Console uses the same path… That’s so strange.

Okay, so I found the full path to get the World’s Strength value:['World'].node_tree.nodes['Background'].inputs['Strength'].default_value

Yet this is still invalid, according to the Driver…

Ah yes, I thought you would encounter that “Old Chestnut” of Blender giving you the run-around with “fake” paths…

So the location of the value you want is:['World'].node_tree.nodes["Background"].inputs[1].default_value

Thanks a bunch Blender :angry::angry: Sorry I should have said that these things can be an absolute sod to find. This is why I use Empties, not Single Properties by the way, mush easier to deal with…

So if you use Animation Nodes, you can do this easily with an Expression Node like this:

Getting that into a Driver is done like this (note how the variable is set up):

But you notice that it doesn’t give a reading other than 0, so is no good… I rest my case for either using Animation Nodes, or Empties. :smile:

Cheers, Clock.


This code for the Driver variable works:


Leave off the “[‘World’]” bit from your last attempt, But does not update properly… Only if you click in the appropriate box for the Driver, odd behaviour again!

Note input has changed but driver did not update - big BUG I think…

So, back to Empties, or AN then?


Heres is World and Lamp set with AN Expression Nodes:

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I saw this on the thumbnail and I was like, “Hmm…” and then it transformed and I literally went, “HOT!” so yeah. I love this.

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I went with Empties in the end :slightly_smiling_face: Thanks again for your help!

How exportable are the drivers or animation nodes to different engines like Unity or Unreal? Would I have to re-setup everything again?

You’re welcome! As for exporting, sorry that is way outside my knowledge. I have never exported to a game engine, but maybe someone else can help you here!

Cheers, Clock. :beers:

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In an attempt to fix the elastic bowstring, I added a sort of Spool to the blade ends, that should wind and unwind the bowstring during transformation:

How’s this?

Sweet, like to see the animation, also do you need to put a sub-surf mod in there to make the pulleys more round, or is this for a game?

Cheers, Clock. :beers:

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I plan on importing it into Unity or SFM at some point to use in games and animations, but also intend on sub-serfing the bow for the final render.

I finally added the finishing touches on my transforming bow and I’m about to make one last animation, but now I’m kind of having second thoughts on the Bow Form’s pose.

I made a slight adjustment to it where the riser (near the grip area) leans back a bit more.

Here are both poses for comparison. Which one looks better?

Left hand image looks more realistic to me!

Cheers, Clock. :cocktail:

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I sort of “finished” this back in March, but now i"m trying to improve the textures a bit.

On the dragon I wanted a sort of “bumpy plastic” look and added a Magic Texture to try and achieve this, but I’m not too fond of how it looks. How can I improve this texture?

PS. I’m updating the first post with my renders shortly…

like the functionality and design…suggestion what about a more industrial colour scheme yellow black jcb look perhaps, maybe weathered look will look fab as well

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