translate, rotate and scale input

Is there any place in the interface for numeric input for scale, rotate and translate for a single component?
For example I select a face and I want to rotate (translate, scale)that face with a numeric value.
I know there is a place in the n-panel, but that is for translate only.
Max and other apps have a box for numeric values input.
If there is no place to do that in Blender, where would i go to make a request for such a feature.
I think a good place for it would be on the bottom tool bar.

You can input numeric values when you want to scale/rotate/translate. R X 90 will rotate 90 degrees around the X axis. Look on the 3d view header when you do any of these operations

Thanks for your reply
I know how to do it that way and don’t mind doing it that way, but think it would be better if you could just make a selection then enter a value in an input box, without having to make the movement first.

EDIT: I was typing my long answer and Richard beat me on the finish line. I leave it for the future generations. :wink:

It already exists. It’s in the Tools panel on the left. (Press [T].) But I don’t think many people use it or much more people would have complained that it’s counter-intuitive. You can press the button for the Rotate/Translate/Scale action that you want, move a little in the viewport and then change the values at the bottom of the Tools panel.

The Blender way is to ignore this and to just type what you want.

Translate and Scale work the same way with their respective shortcuts: [G] and [S]. Rotate [R] is a bit different since it works by default relatively to the view. Blender shows you what you’re typing at the bottom left of the viewport and changes the displayed axes accordingly.

In general, you type [G], [S], or [R], followed by the name of an axis, the value on the keypad and [ENTER]. For example:

G, X, .1, [ENTER] (Move 0.1 unit on the X axis)
R, Z, 45, [ENTER] (Rotate 45° on the Z axis)
S, Y, .9, [ENTER] (Scale at 90% on the Y axis)

You can enter negative value in pressing the minus sign on the keypad before or after the value. If you press twice, it reverts to positive values.

G, Z, -.5, [ENTER] (Move -0.5 unit on Z axis)

You can specify a local axis if you type twice the name of the axis.

S, Y, Y, 1.5, [ENTER] (Scale at 150% on the local Y axis)

In Object mode, that’s really the local axis of the object. In Edit mode, “local” means relative to the normals.

Instead of pressing [ENTER], you can also do a Left-Click. Right-Click cancels the whole operation.

You can mix with the mouse. For example:

G, X, move the mouse, eventually enter a more precise value at this point, press [RETURN] or Left-Click to confirm.

You can even enter values for the 3 axis separated by [TAB].

S, 1, [TAB], 2, [TAB], 3, [ENTER]
G, .3, [TAB], 0, [TAB], .4, [ENTER]

(You can’t use [TAB] with the rotation.)

You can also lock an axis.

G, [SHIFT] Z (Move on the XY plane)
S, [SHIFT] Z, [SHIFT] Z (Scale along the local X and Y axes)

If you don’t specify or lock an axis, Blender will start to translate on the X axis, rotate relatively to the view or scale on the 3 axes.

Once you master all this system, you find that having to go to some specific place to enter values is really a useless constraint.

Thanks I will give the tools panel option a look.

I highly recommend trying to get used to making your adjustments on the fly. It’s much faster overall; you don’t have to tab/esc out of the panel and you don’t have to sacrifice a mouse stroke every time you need to make precise translation. If you happen to mis-key your value, simply press delete and re-enter. Also, keep in mind that you can press the ‘-’ key at any point while entering your values, unlike entering in a text field.

I find myself wishing the ‘major’ 3D aps had translation options closer to Blender’s for these reasons. That, and I wish they didn’t all rely on the archaic manipulator widget…

Happy blending!

Doing it the Blender way is starting to grow on me.
Much to my surprise navigating and modeling in Blender is becoming very fast.
That being said there are still some things that just take to many steps.
I do wish that I would have stuck with Blender 6 years ago when I first tried it out instead of jumping from app to app.
I used Hexagon for several years bugs and all.
The more I learned the more I discovered Blender had more to offer.

I’m glad you’re deciding to stick with it. Trying different tools, at their best, developes a strong workflow and thought process. Moving between software will always be a bit of a ‘culture shock’, but it’s unavoidable and worth it. Also, just because one ap CAN do something doesn’t mean that it’s the right tool for the job. I find Blender to be a superior modeling/unwrapping tool, but that doesn’t mean it has to be used for animation/rendering (although, those are getting quite good too).

It’s also really great seeing Blender build rapport with people who use/used other industry aps. There’s actually a small interview on the usage of Blender in Game Developer Magazine, this month (pg. 14).

There are some things I still wish were a tad easier, but the last 3 releases have done a lot for my wishlist. Beveling was a big one for a while, especially beveled primitives… By far though, the largest gap for me is the difference in terminology from one ap to the next (not specifically Blender). It makes it very hard to search for help when you don’t know what something’s called… because if you knew, you wouldn’t be looking.

Fight the good fight. Cheers!