Translating object along displaced surface with smooth rotation

I’ve used Sample UV Surface node to translate torus along deformed grid. And there is no problem with position sampling. But trying same thing with rotation gives result shown in the video. Every normal is pointing little but different in this example, so when object moves to next normal, it’s rotation jumps accordingly. Looking for a solution to make rotation smooth. Maybe there is a way to smooth normal seams? Or completely different method… Will be grateful for any help )
ps. i know there is a bruteforce way to just crunk up grid resolution, but it’s not possible in many other examples

Ok, i’m suddenly solve this issue myself. By just adding Evaluate on Domain in Point mode after Normal node :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Now looking for a solution to achieve this for a multiple objects…

Here is the test with multiple objects. Sliding along deforming surface with smooth rotations

slide_along_multi.blend (1.7 MB)