Transparency in UV texture appears incorrectly

While I’m trying to correct the way some transparent areas look, I noticed that Blender doesn’t show transparency correctly (screenshots):

As it appears in Photoshop:

As it appears in Blender’s UV editor:


The background color is different in the UV editor than in Photoshop. Photoshop uses a light grid by default, Blender uses a dark grid. Just at a glance, it looks like the transparency is working perfectly, taking that into account


You’re right, I just added a dark background layer in PS and it appeared the same, thanks!
I still can’t believe it - I wouldn’t expect a step from white, it happens probably due to the narrow gradient… so adding a black background is a good test for the gradient.

And that was the reason, when I made the gradient wider, it appeared in Blender UV editor as expected:


EDIT #2: By doing that, I achieved the desired effect, so this should be the solution.

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