Transparent BSDF Node not "transparent"

For some odd reason, the transparent BSDF is not creating a perfectly transparent material. After spending several hours trying to run this down, I could use some help. I imported a tree and noted that the transparent region of the surface for the leaves was not clear, so after some tweaking, just replaced the entire material with a Transparent BSDF (see first screenshot). Rendering (or in viewing mode) still shows light is affected by the material (see second screenshot). I tried increasing Max Bounces (third screenshot), but nothing seems to help.

The only reason I can think of is that maybe the surfaces are too close together.

Any suggestions anyone has would be appreciated!
Transparency Issue 2

Transparency Issue 3

Do you have ambient occlusion turned on?

Hi. Thanks for the question. Sorry, I should have mentioned the problem is in Cycles. Just to check this, I turned AO on in EEVEE and it looks perfectly fine (both with AO on OR off).

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Weird… yeah, increasing the transparent bounces should fix this in Cycles :thinking:

Is the transparent color set to pure white? I know sometimes it defaults to .8.

also make sure you increase the number of transparent bounces:

Thanks. I set Transparent to 35 and total to 50 as in the screenshot above. I cranked these WAY up with no effect. And yes, the transparent color is set to “FFFFFF” =/

What about clamping?

Ooh, try the minimum transparent bounces under the sampling tab.

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would help if you can upload a small sample file to analyze it

happy bl

Give me a few minutes and I’ll post a sample file. Thanks!

I’ve uploaded a file where I am getting the problem.

Tree Transparency Problem.blend (4.0 MB)

You had a lot of duplicate vertices. Press tab to go into edit mode. Then press M to merge and select the “by distance” option.


Hmm. Yeah, something I did not check! Thanks.

Okay. YEP! That fixed the problem! Thank you for nailing this down for me! =)

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some of the leaves seems to be backward
not certain if this can affect the render

also how is this supposed to look like
can you show render

happy bl

This is the render of the entire set of objects after the problem was fixed (merging all close vertices), as suggested by claus. The tree to the far left was the one I uploaded to demo the issue.


looking good

happy bl